Monday, January 21, 2013

My Amazing Intro

    If you haven't guessed by the name, I am a bookworm. I love to read and I would love to share my reviews/comments on books that I read. I like many genres of books and movies, strangely enough my two favorites are horror and romantic-comedies. I plan to write a book of my own someday, but for now most of my writing is just for me.

   Now, I know I chose "Brooklyn's Bookworm" but I actually live in California, but I am initially form Brooklyn, New York. I will try to write every Monday and post a new blog.

I am currently watching the "Carrie Dairies" I really like the show so far. I was born in the nineties, my mother was definitely an eighties child, being a teen around this time, like watching the and relateing what life was like for teens back then and teens now. Plus, it amuses me to the fashion and thinking of my mother wearing similar clothing.

I will post soon

Your Bookworm
-- S.E.P

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